Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Adventure on The Duke of Edinburgh

Students and Staff

After hiking around 10 headlands between Maloney’s Beach and South Durras, trekking 18 kilometres through bushland and along shorelines, fending ourselves against possums, kangaroos and wallabies - we still came back with smiles on our faces knowing we had just completed one of the most magnificent walks on the South Coast. Our challenges and triumphs epitomise what the Duke of Edinburgh experience is all about - learning about yourself, your skills and your capabilities.

Students hiking

Annie-Maree Martin, Zoe Carson, Lachlan Barry, Finlay Knight and myself - Darcy Stewart, embarked on our two-day bushwalk through the untouched Murramarang National Park at the end of February. This ‘Adventurous Journey’ marks the completion of our Duke of Ed Bronze Award. Over the past year we have each completed 50 hours of developing and improving a skill, participating in physical recreation and volunteer work, seeing us become more involved within our community and learning life skills that we carry on with us.

I knew the land we live on - Yuin Country - is beautiful, but little did I know of the natural wonders you could find when exploring deeper into the bush. The Duke of Edinburgh experience allows you to explore your passions, be a part of a community and challenge yourself to new extremes. I can not fault the experience and I would not miss it for the world if I was offered the opportunity again. 

Thank you all the amazing support from the UHS staff, Matt and Emile, Mrs Mergel and Mr Littlejohns.