Future Focused Learning
There has been a focus on entrepreneurial thinking and we challenge students to be critical thinkers, to innovate and solve real world issues by embedding syllabus knowledge and skills into projects. From 2013 to 2017, the school has had a focus on Project Based Learning across 7-11 supported by ongoing professional learning for staff, sharing of practice and striving for student works of excellence. Our teachers collaborate across the curriculum on project ideation. It is through this project learning that students are active, not passive; a project engages hearts and minds, and provides real-world relevance for learning. Our students have the opportunity to show, talk about and gain feedback about their learning projects which are presented at our learning EXPO each semester. This forms the basis of our future focussed approach.
Project Based Learning and Co Teaching
In 2018, Ulladulla High School funded two Project Based Learning mentors (0.2 allocation) and one Service Project Based Learning mentor (0.1 allocation). These teachers worked predominately with year 8 HUB teachers creating four authentic cross-curricular projects (one per term), involving local community members either in the entry event, as expert coaches or authentic audiences at the close of each project. Professional learning was conducted via Staff Development Days and x4 Twilight courses (one per term).
In 2018, UHS continued to collaborate with NSWDE Connected Communities initiative to train teachers in rural and remote schools in Project Based Learning. In May, two Project Based Learning mentors and Principal Denise Lofts attended Menindee Central School to deliver a week-long intensive professional learning course to 20 teachers from the surrounding areas.
In 2018 the PBL@UHS team planned, organised and executed two EXPO@UHS nights which saw in excess of 600 students and parents/community members attend both expos to experience the learning through projects of students from years 7-11. Aligning with EXPO@UHS semester 3, the PBL Mentors planned, organised and executed Summit@UHS – a two-day PBL professional learning conference – with over 50 teachers from around NSW in attendance.
Following the year 8 review, a focused professional learning outline was devised in readiness for the Collaborative Classrooms model for year 8 2019 across Maths, English, HSIE and Science. 25 teachers attended the Collaborative and Co-Teaching @ UHS PL day in December 2018, with a further 45 identifying that they would attend the same course which will run on an alternate day in Term 1 2019. Priority was given to train year 8 teachers who will co-teach in flexible learning spaces in 2019, however the course was made available to all teachers at UHS, with more than 50% of the teaching staff engaging with the offered professional learning.
Flexible Learning Spaces
Over the last 6 years the school has been utilising the flexible use of classroom spaces to enable innovation in teaching and learning. In 2018, this approach continued, we created a collaborative space by transforming a classroom (Q 10) and seminar space ( Q 11) into a large teaching space. This was utilised by Year 8 Teachers. Specific furniture has been researched to best support ways of learning and enhance collaboration. Teachers have collaborated with a number of other schools to inform the best way in which to use the spaces, and current research. The room was utilised effectively over 2018.
Head to our PBL@UHS Website for more information on student projects of excellence:
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