Marine and Aquatic Technology
Marine and Aquatic Technology is a Content Endorsed Course
Course details are not included on RoSA
Course details are included on School Report
Ulladulla is a coastal community and provides the ideal setting for Marine Biology. Choosing this topic provides an opportunity for the future custodians of this environment to study it and to appreciate its value. It gives them the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills to use and protect its unique ecosystems, and at the same time communicate their appreciation to the community. It provides an opportunity to instill in students an acceptable ethical code towards the use of the marine environment, increasingly demanded by the community and governments.
By studying Marine Biology students develop their capacity to think critically by calling upon a wide range of knowledge, procedures and approaches to analyse issues and develop solutions. They are required to examine the impact of technology and human activity on the marine environment.
Students who are considering this subject should have an interest in the marine environment and be aware that the course does involve a level of scientific literacy and practical tasks involving coastal settings.
An opportunity may exist to attain their NSW Boat Licence, so additional costs may occur.
Click here for full course details