Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Aboriginal Studies

Aboriginal Studies is a Board Developed Course

Course details are included on RoSA

Course details are included on School Report

Aboriginal Studies provides students with the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal Peoples, histories and cultures. This syllabus is designed to be inclusive of all students in NSW schools and of value to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students and non-Aboriginal students.

Aboriginal students are empowered through the exploration and celebration of their cultural and social heritage, continuity and resilience. Cultural affirmation through the study of their local/regional community(ies) and Aboriginal cultural diversity can contribute to personal and cultural wellbeing.

Non-Aboriginal students are provided with opportunities to recognise and respect the knowledges and practices of Aboriginal Peoples as the most sustained globally. The study of Aboriginal identity and lived experiences of Aboriginal Peoples benefits non-Aboriginal students by providing deeper insights that can enable more respectful and reciprocal engagement with Aboriginal Peoples and communities.

Aboriginal Studies students develop an appreciation of Aboriginal identity and experiences, which acknowledges and addresses racism existing in Australian society, and promotes inclusiveness. Students have the opportunity to develop an appreciation of Aboriginal Peoples’ identities, which are interconnected with Country, culture and community. They recognise the fundamental importance of Country/Place and spirituality to Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, respectively. Students develop knowledge about historical and contemporary issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The study of the local community and other Aboriginal communities is important to developing an understanding of the diversity of Aboriginal Peoples and communities. Students develop an understanding of Aboriginal Peoples’ roles locally, regionally, nationally and internationally; and the importance of self-determination and autonomy to Aboriginal Peoples’ ongoing contribution and success.

Knowledge about the historical and contemporary experiences of Aboriginal Peoples, and the range of relationships with non-Aboriginal people, contributes to ethical and empathetic understandings that are of value to students’ personal, social, cultural, academic and professional development. In these ways, students can become active and informed advocates for a just and inclusive world.

Subject Assessment: In this course, there is an assessment as learning approach. This involves students in the learning process where they monitor their own progress, ask questions and practise skills. Students use self-assessment and teacher feedback to reflect on their learning, consolidate their understandings and work towards learning goals.

Course Adviser: Mr B Barry

Click here for the full course details