Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Parents and citizens (P&C) news

students reclycling cans for earn and return

Students Support Return and Earn

The P&C have been raising important funds for projects (including a new home for the Ag Plot chickens) at UHS, through the Return and Earn scheme. Every recycled bottle is worth 10c at the Return and Earn centre, when you choose to donate to UHS P&C. Our SRC and SEC are supporting these efforts and ask that students place their empty juice, mineral water, popper and even milk containers in the recycling cages around the school.



About Us Picture

About Us


Huge thank you to our Outgoing P&C.

It is with much respect and admiration that I say a huge thank you to our outgoing P&C Executive. The president Matt Knight has been incredibly passionate and instrumental in ensuring the wellbeing of students has been first and foremost through the establishing of the Snow Foundation. The grant ensured we have had our Student Wellbeing Officer, Ice Schaap to support our students, for that we are very thankful. His devotion to ensuring our school is placed well in our community has been heartening and appreciated. We wish Matt the very best in his next ventures. Secondly, we want to give a huge thanks to Murry Conran for his work in the role as the Secretary of the P&C. Murry, always positive, and always available to support selection panels for new teachers, supported fundraising and again an excellent supporter of the school. Last, by no means least, Kylie Creech has been the Treasurer for the last several years and has managed to secure long term donations for our breakfast program, manage the complexities of P&C finances including all the employed officers of the Canteen and the Student Wellbeing Officer, a very big volunteer job, thank you. Kylie has also been an excellent supporter of the school. Thank you all. #GreatJob #BigThanks.


Canteen News

The canteen has hired a school dietician and there has been discussion about more healthy choices. With changes in the payment system (www.flexischools.com.au) and new products on offer, the Canteen could do with some extra volunteers to help.

The students, due to insurance reasons, are not able to help out in the Canteen so they are dependent on parents/community members. Every hour offered would help so, if you, or someone you know, can help out, please let us know (via email) or phone the school.

The canteen is the perfect place to catch up with students and with other parents/volunteers. And obviously a great place to talk about food and other important things in life. Other P&C news will follow soon, meanwhile, stay involved.     

Ice Schaap