Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

Telephone02 4455 1799


Focus on 95% Attendance this Year

A day here and there doesn’t seem like much, but… When your child misses just 1 day per fortnight they miss 4 weeks per year and 1 year over their school life. If they miss 1 day per week that is 8 weeks per year and over 2.5 years missed across their school life. The Department of Education’s expectation is that students attend 95%. You can check your child’s yearly attendance rate at the Parent Portal through our UHS Website. Information is also available at: https://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/school-learning/school-refusal . Please contact UHS and ask to speak with Mrs Ommundsen for support with school refusal or avoidance. Every Day Counts!