Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Save the Bees

Save the Bees cupcake stall

We all share a common issue: No bees = no life. Save the Bees Australia aims to empower others to create change in their world. Bees and humanity face a major challenge from insecticides, herbicides, industrial-scale monoculture food farming and habitat fragmentation. 

save the bees poster

Together we can tackle these issues and Save the Bees. Recently Year 12 held a fundraiser which raised students over $400 to be donated to beethecure.com.au. The donation will go to the not-for-profit organisation (beethecure.com.au) to help save the bees in Australia. They are a vital part of our agriculture and food supply.

Their was a bee awareness quiz during session 1. Ms McCutcheon and Ms Ford won the class prizes. Students also grew over 150 bee friendly seedlings as giveaways with the cupcakes.