07 Feb 2025

Ulladulla Leisure Centre
8:50am for a 9:10am start (*8am start for 200m)
You will need to find your Djamaru teacher to have your name marked off at 9:05am
$3.70 Entry fee (cash only) payable at side gate
Bring swimmers, towel, sunscreen, hat, lunch, money for
canteen/BBQ if you wish, a good attitude and WEAR HOUSE COLOURS—no body paint or streamers
· Competitors in the 200m need to be at the pool by 8am. Events start at 8:10am
· All Competitors compete in the age group they are turning this year.
Bus information for Swim Carnival
Kellams and Shoalbus will drop off and pick up at the Leisure Centre.
Ulladulla Bus Lines will drop off at the Leisure Centre but pick up from UHS (students must walk back)
Premier Bus will drop off and pick up from UHS.
Reminder if you need a leave pass from the Swimming Carnival
Please see the Ms Bunyan on attendance between 9:00am and 9:30am who will be located in the foyer at Ulladulla Leisure Centre. Students will be required to show this teacher their leave pass before leaving. Students without a note will need to be collected from the pool by parents and signed out. Students will not be permitted to leave with other parents unless this is identified on the note and a leave pass is organised. Thank you for your support to ensure all our students are safe.
Swimming Carnival Important Information