Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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National Youth Science Forum

National Youth Science Forum

Two of our Year 11 students, Maximus Monaghan and Chloe Jeffers applied for the National Youth Science Forum (NSYF) with the help of Yvonne Young (Youth Director for the Rotary Club of Milton Ulladulla) earlier this year. The forum gives students that are about to start Year 12 a broader understanding of study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). 

Maximus and Chloe


We have just found out that Max was successful in gaining a placement and Chloe is on the waiting list. The Rotary Club organised the application and are also partly funding the forum. Max will be going to NSYF at The Australian National University, Canberra on the 6-14th January to complete the summer program. Max will participate in tours of science and technology facilities, learn about cutting-edge research, engage with industry partners and research providers, learn about university, training and STEM career pathways, mix with like-minded students from all over Australia, participate in social and team building activities, and network with former NYSF participants. 

Congratulations Max (fingers crossed for Chloe) and thank you to Yvonne & the Rotary Club.

Dr Kneeshaw.