Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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2024 Korean School Visit

Korean students with the Didge group

Last week, UHS was thrilled to host 12 students and 2 teachers from Munseong Middle School in South Korea. The students were here for three days, with Year 9 International Studies students welcoming them into their homes for two nights. A big thank you goes out to the Year 9 International Studies class, their hosting families and the teachers and students who helped make the Korean visitors' time at UHS so special. 

Student performing for the Korean students

Day One kicked off with Year 9 students decorating and setting up the MPC for a Welcome Ceremony featuring amazing performances by Chloe Hamilton, Zahli Ritchie, Myra Williams, and the Didge Group, miribi bunbal (thunder stick). Students then gathered for an 'Australian-style lunch' of pies, sausage rolls, pavlovas, and lamingtons. They enjoyed various sports, games and a school tour before a tasty BBQ dinner cooked by Year 10 Big Picture students.

On Day Two, the Korean students got to 'live a day in the life' of a Year 9 student at UHS. They attended Agriculture, French, English, Science, Marine, Outdoor Education, Psychology, Commerce and Food Technology classes alongside their hosts. 

Circus student performing for the Korean students

In the evenings, the hosting families took their Korean guests to local beaches, shops and restaurants, where the visitors showcased their own cooking skills by making spicy Ramen and Tteokbokki for their host families. On the final day, students participated in a school-wide treasure hunt with their new Korean friends. They were also fortunate to learn about traditional First Nations weaving practices from Sharon Bunyan and Erica East. With the weather clearing, the classes enjoyed a sunny lunch by the harbour before saying their goodbyes. The students were understandably saddened to bid farewell to their new Korean friends. However, upon reflection the students stated that they had forged 'life-long friendships' during this exchange, an experience they knew they would 'never forget'.