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Ulladulla High School

Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Big Picture Exhibitions - ‘Learning is the winner’

Big Picture students and teachers

The Big Picture’s rigorous and highly personalised approach to education combines academic work with real-world learning. It focuses on educating ‘one student at a time’ and inverts the traditional education design by placing the student, their passions, and their interests, at the centre of the learning process. 

Ms Patton with student fro Big Picture

Part of the assessing of growth in learning, requires each student, to present an exhibition of their progress across the curriculum to a panel (including their teacher, friends and family, and invited mentors). The 45 min presentation is the student’s reflection on their learning plan and goals, and the overall journey of growth toward their skill and knowledge development. Both the Year 9 and Year 10 classes over the last two weeks, have been presenting their learning journeys for the first time. Feedback is provided, both warm and cool to support the future learning plan. Over the two weeks, our students grew into the challenge, there was laughing, crying, dancing and cheering. Every student should be congratulated on their energy, enthusiasm, and mature reflection on their challenges, successes, and what steps they will take next.  As a school we are thrilled with their progress. Big thank you to all the BP students and their passionate BP Advisories, Ms Patton, Mr. Barry, Mr. Richardson and Mrs Morgan.  #FutureSkills #personalisedlearning #BPJourney