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Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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All things Science Extension


Do you love Science? If you’re in Year 10 and are taking a Science HSC, you can apply to complete Extension Science at the end of Year 11. Extension Science involves course work, an online exam and an individual research project of your choosing (supported by mentors). Here is what the current Y12 Extension Science HSC are up to:

First, they had a 1 day Extension Science course at Sydney University. Here they were introduced to the program and were able to think about what project they would like to do and meet potential mentors. They are currently being offered mentors from Sydney University, 3 students have already been offered mentors and we are expecting offers for the other students. Their mentors (usually PhD students) help them shape and complete their chosen research project. 

Four Extension Science students Tynan Linden, Chloe Passwell, Luca Bastock and Jhye Adams are going up to UNSW in the summer holidays to complete a 5 day extension courses in mental wellbeing, astronomy /astrophysics and marine biodiversity. This week, Tynan got to speak to Dr Robert Hollow, an astronomer working with the CSIRO. Tynan may choose to work on pulsars neutron stars. This may also lead to an opportunity for Tynan to remotely control the Parks Telescope with Robert as a mentor, that would be awesome. 

And lastly, they also get the opportunity to be published in The Journal of Science Extension Research, two of our former students, Meegan Jeffers and Darcy Kneeshaw are published in the first two volumes. This year’s Extension Science students, Holly Forbes and Baden Manson have been submitted to this year’s journal...good luck. Holly's mentors, who were based in the UK and Australia were so impressed they are submitting the report to be published in an antimicrobial stewardship journal. 

So many opportunities in shaping your career path. Please see Dr Kneeshaw for more information.