Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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The 3 H’s

Mr Hallett and Mr Youens

Who is your hero? 

What has been your greatest hardship? 

What’s been a highlight for you over the past year?  (The 3 H’s)

Earlier this term, teachers Andrew Hallett and Jon Youens (part of the Evolve Coaching Team at UHS) ran a workshop at the Pretty Beach camp with Year 12 students.  This allowed students to experience one on one and in small groups some ‘coaching style’ questions.  Students had a chance to ask the ‘3 H questions’ and learn more about each other.  Students were challenged with asking open ended questions of their peers while demonstrating active listening.  Would you like to know more?  How about participating in a one on one or small group coaching session?  Let us know and we can organise it for you. 

Email Mrs Taplin on Suzanne.taplin@det.nsw.edu.au