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Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Year 9 Entrepreneurs in ‘small business’

Year 9 Commerce students

How could you innovate, invent, manage and establish a business on a ‘shoestring budget’? This was the challenge given to Year 9 Commerce by their teacher Ms Vogelnest. 

Year 9 Commerce students

The Year 9 Commerce class have been busy working in ‘small businesses to create and produce their own products. The students last Wednesday set up market stalls during breaks in the COLA to sell their wares to students and teachers at their first ever Commerce Market Day! They were sold out quickly. Sounds like they all have the qualities to be good business people. All the profit is going to charity (to be decided). Curious about the products. Well done Year 9. #startsmall #makesCents #thinkbig