Ulladulla High School

World Class Global Learners who achieve the Summit

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Ulladulla High School (P&C)

 Ulladulla High School Parent and Citizen (P&C) Executive Committee


Katie Greenacre



Dr Karen Donaldson


Marie Schaap

Grants Officer

Michael Yule

The P&C meets the second Monday of each month at 7pm in the school Library (entry via south Street main gate). Membership is $1. All welcome.

(Please check the school's newsletter for 'P&C News' and this webpage for updates)

To become a member please apply by completing the P&C membership form and email to katie.greenacre@det.nsw.edu.au  or drop in the P&C box at school office). Membership fee is $1 (EFTPOS is available: details are BSB 633 000 Account No. 143797512 and put your name and membership in the reference). Membership fee of $1 is renewable at the Annual General Meeting each year.

Please see our P&C code of conduct (PDF 140KB) for more information.

P&C Report May 2022

Monday 9 May, the P&C held their monthly meeting.

The P&C relies on parents being  partners in the education process and play an active role in the education of their children. The meetings are open to parents of students at UHS and involves discussions around topics related to the wellbeing of the school. Next meeting will be held on Monday 8 August  and we welcome all new and existing members. To become a member of the P&C go to https://tinyurl.com/5ha866sr to complete the membership form. For more information, please email Ice Schaap ice.schaap@det.nsw.edu.au


P&C October News

Michael with new school bus

A warm welcome to Term 4 2020. What a good start to the new Term we have on the South Coast. Whales breaching, warmer days and light until 7ish. We want to wish the Year 12 cohort the best of luck for their exams, and want to thank the teachers that provided extra tutorials during the holidays.
The P&C has some exiting news to share. The bus is here (see below). Thanks to Michael Yule, who is a great asset to our P&C, Ulladulla High School is the proud owner of a school bus. The P&C can't wait to see it used for the multiple great excursions that are organised by the school for its students. An official handover will take place soon.
Further news discussed during the last meeting is that the community can donate their bottle recycling money to the P&C. Please have a look at the recycle vending machines and support our students. We also want to encourage parents and community to become part of the P&C. If you have any questions please find us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/331038624544420) 

or email ice.schaap@det.nsw.edu.au


Keep Calm picture

P&C September Meeting News

Didn't spring bring some lovely weather last week?
We hope you had time to enjoy it.
First of all, we want to wish Years 11 and 12 the very best of luck with their exams. Nearly there for Year 12  well done. The P&C is keen to hear how your adventures continue.
At our September meeting we discussed a few important changes involving the canteen. The P&C is handing over the running of the Canteen to the school who are looking for staff. The advertisement can be found at https://tinyurl.com/y2gig86b.  
The good news is that senior students have been completing work placement in the canteen which has been beneficial for both.
We discussed ways to raise funds for the school and hope that readers who have ideas will come forward and join us. We have our next meeting on 12 October via Zoom, so feel free to join in from your favorite chair, or contact us with ideas or questions.
Email your idea and/or questions to ice.schaap@det.nsw.edu.au 
We wish Year 12 a good last week of High School, and wish everybody a great spring break.    
Ice Schaap, P&C Publicity Officer  


Kim Waters

August P&C Meeting Report

​Last Tuesday the P&C had their monthly gathering via Zoom. Seventeen members gathered, sitting in their own comfy chair, couch or beanbag, with their favourite coffee and cookies within reach. There was a lot to discuss and plan, starting with welcoming our new Treasurer: Kim Waters. Kim is known in school and the P&C as a passionate, energetic Head Teacher - already taking on the role of Canteen Convenor - and we feel lucky to have her now as Treasurer. 
Exciting times at school with a new timetable starting in Week 3 with the favoured 4x70 minute lessons and three breaks. Feedback has been good and this will continue to be monitored. Last but not least, great news. The P&C has been successful in applying for money to buy a bus. We want to thank Michael Yule in particular for this success.

P&C’s next meeting will be September 14. The P&C wants to thank the Principal and Deputies for their attendance and goodwill towards the P&C. We further want to invite parents to become members and support the school with being the best school possible for our community.                       Ice Schaap